What is the LRKA Story

You remember kickball, the big red ball, pegging your buds, hauling tail to base, the dodging, the running, the good times…The sound of that big red playground ball…BA-LOING!! BA-LOING!!!! BA-LOING!!!! BA-LOING!!!!

It is I, The Grand Poobah of All Things Kickball! My name is Larry  Betz and I am the founder and CEO of The Little Rock Kickball Association, LLC. here in Little Rock Arkansas. We have recently completed our 38th season with a total of 45 teams in three leagues!

We have the Laid Back league for those people who want to come out for the love of the game, have great kickball fun and make friends from all walks. The Novice League for those new to the game. The Intermediate League is for those, like myself who want the competition that kickball has to offer but doesn’t wanna get blasted week after week by super studs. The Competitive League is the league for all of those people who wanna take their red ball action to the next level! Watch some of these games and you will see just how much action kickball and the LRKA has to offer.

We have been in all the papers including the worldwide publication, The Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, The Economist Magazine, CBS.com, on TV and radio and everyone will tell you what a blast it is to be a grown up playing a kid’s game!!! And not to mention our end of season party!!!!!!!! Read the great article that appeared in “The Localist,” it really gives a great accounting of the forming of the LRKA. Again, we had over 400 people at our last end of season party!!!! And our playoffs had some of the most exciting Kickball Action ever since the 5th grade and The First Annual Kick “Ball” and Awards Party was the BIGGEST PARTY Little Rock has ever seen!!!

Do not forget that we are also community minded and that we have our own 501 (c)3, The Big Red Ball Charitable Foundation. Through that organization, we have made almost $300k in cash and inkind donations to local charities serving animals and children including Hearts and Hooves, Youth Home, Our House, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, CASA, Pfeifer Youth Camp, and the Little Rock Animal Shelter. Our calendar is full of events with charity in mind! Our motto: “if you do good, good things happen..”

About the lrka

Our Mission

It is the mission of this humble group to promote Kickball and all its silliness to all corners of the known world. Furthermore, we are a socially awkward and inappropriate group of K-Ball misfits bent on making the world a better place through community building, public service, charitable work and grownups playing outdoor children’s sports while hanging out with friends on Sundays. We also make it our goal to promote Independent Kickball and to aid others in setting up their own leagues!!!


Our Grand Profile

I, and all of the members of the LRKA, go out of our ways to ensure that a good time is had by all and that all are invited to play. No one will ever be picked last in our group!!! All are welcomed regardless of age, gender, race, or athletic ability. We have one of the most dynamic and varied groups around with people from all walks of life. It makes for a great time!!!

The LRKA is dedicated to increasing our level of community awareness through building interest, connections within the community and by promoting our community service projects. We promote good sportsmanship, outdoor activity, healthy exercise and the building of friendships that last longer than one season…

We promote the use of our local public parks, pay our money to reserve and use them and are dedicated to improving them and leaving those parks cleaner than we found them….

We are dedicated to rewarding those people and businesses who sponsor us and our league and most of all our good time!!!!

Our members come from all walks of life, all ages, all social backgrounds, all occupations. Remember, everyone is invited to play. We forget about the world one day a week and play Kickball!!!!!!

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